S . A . G
Born on August / 12 / 1994 in Long Beach Ca, at Community Hospital ,Witch Makes TrayStaccs a full Blooded Zaferia District Resident. As he was growing up in the Zaferia District on Freeman & Anaheim A Skateboarding Gang was formed called Goons ; after Skating for 10 years straight he eventually drifted to the Dark Side of Trapping & Rapping!
"Im Tha Goat Of The Zaferia,Long Beach Ca"
S . A . G
Born on July / 3 / 1998 on the East Of Long Beach Ca we’re he was raised. Rapping and expressing himself through rough times he ended up in the streets trapping at the age of 14.
“I been in juvie most of my teen life and I refuse to go back”
S . A . G
Born On April 27, 1998 in Long beach Ca at Community Hospital; Awoken a cold blooded Cherokee male straight outta the city by the sea. Raised on 21st & Lewis he joined a rap group that was formed called Touch Money. After 10 years of rapping and stacking he went straight to his true dream by any means!
"I Love The Hate"
S.A.G Goal
Selfish Act Gvng goal is to create a new sound, visuals and a different style of clothing;
by doing so SAG will be able to open up a new portal to a world unseen before.
SELFISH . ACT . GVNG Mission Statement
SAGvng mission is to bring are Humans True Deepest Thoughts & True Feelings to light. Most people in our society hold back on what really makes “THEM” feel good about themself & what builds their confidence up to the fullest compacity making them limitless.
We as a group will reprogram you to be whole heartedly happy; teaching you the steps on how to build your life-esteam to standers.
S A G Meaning:
Selfih: 1. Is being concerned excessively or exclusively, for oneself one’s
own advantage, pleasure, or welfare regardless of others.
ACT: 1. A document recording the legality of a transaction or contract.
2. Refers to someone temporarily exercising the powers of a vacant position.
3. A statute or law passed by a legislature.
Gvng: Is a group of friends or family with identifiable leadership and internal
organization, identifying with or claiming control over territory in a community, and
engaging either individually or collectively in illegal or violent behavior. The
process of initiation is proving your loyalty and right to belong to a group by
committing certain acts.